Superman : Escape From Bizarro World TP


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SKU: FEB090217 Category:



Written by Geoff Johns and Richard Donner, Otto Binder, E. Nelson Bridwell and John Byrne
Art by Eric Powell, Wayne Boring, Curt Swan, John Byrne and others
Cover by Eric Powell
The dynamic writing team of Geoff Johns and Richard Donner joins artist Eric Powell (The Goon) for “Escape from Bizarro World,” a 3-part story in which Bizarro returns to kidnap one of the most important people in Superman’s life. But what does the twisted, ersatz Man of Steel want? The only way to find out is to travel to the enemy’s home: Bizarro World! Also included in this volume are classic tales of Bizarro from SUPERMAN #140, DC COMICS PRESENTS #71 and MAN OF STEEL #5!
160 pg, FC.

Additional information

Weight0.75 g
Dimensions1 × 1 × 1 cm